point line plane project


Plane 1
i like this drawing because it reminds me of a ghost and a circle and a line
and its simple

                                                                          Point Line Plane 1
                                               i like this drawing because it has a lot of circles and looks like a face 

                                                                           Point Line Plane 2

                          I like this one a lot because it looks nice in general and I has many shapes


                                                                         Line 2
                                i thought of lines so i drew a lot of line s and its simple 

                                                                   Line 2 when drawing this I thought of  a hole that keeps going infinity

                                                                            Point 2
 i thought of lot of dots so much points and the point looks like it coming from the middle core

                                                                   plane 2
                                             when i was draw i  though of broken glass or lighting bolts 


  1. I like the Plane 1 because it is very creative

  2. I like line 2 because it going infinity

  3. i like all of it it soo good belongs in a museum

  4. I don't like point 2 i know it took a lot of time and all i see is just a bunch of points and i would make this better by drawing a line of point that would divide every triangle.

    I like line 2 i feel like its really underrated and i just love how all the lines complement each other and it reminds me of like wind

  5. I think that you could have colored them in more neatly but other than that i like your designs they are really cool

  6. I like Plane 1 because it really does remind me of a ghost and its creative

    I don't like point 2 it's just a bunch of dots and not really creative

  7. I like plane 1 because it was the perfect time to draw ghost since its October.

  8. I don't dislike none of them and they all look fantastic. My favorite is the 3rd one. And it looks like you put enough process into it.

  9. I love the first one the ghost idea was really cool! i think you can work shading more fully and working on making the strokes less noticable but i love your designs!!

  10. i liked how u took your time and have good art and the details are perfect also the shading you did was ok also one thing u can work on is the neatness and make it more clear my favorite one is the plane 1

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. I really like plane 1 because the shading was really well done and it really does look like a ghost.


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