Reflection: Repetition w/ Paper Shapes Blog Post Reflection

 - What was your process like?  The process of making my project was first I got a design I liked and I copied one part of it from "the principles of 2D design" and the shape was eye shape repeating then I cut all the shapes out with different types of colors and used double sided tape and placed on my paper and organized the shapes in order so the pattern will look good it the some shapes so repetition but the different from my picture and the one I copied off is the color my picture has lots of different color. I did achieve apart of what I wanted because I wanna the eye shapes to repeat and I did achieve it however I wanna to make it more organized the shape more but I didn't have time and I had no teammate. I didn't have teammates so I collaborate by brainstorming about what I wanted to make by myself. I enjoyed  cutting the shapes that was very fun i didn't enjoy was that tape, it kept falling off and ripping it off messed up my project and it I had to fix it and it took forever.

- How did you collaborate with your team to complete the project?
- What did you enjoy?
- What did you not enjoy


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