Exploring Repetition Final


 for this art piece, I think the process for this project was hard because I need to be very careful to not mess up the lines with the ink or ill give to redo the whole drawing and I do like the end result because it looks like stained glass with the repetition.one thing I would be differently was I would make the picture more symmetrical. this project did help me improve my art skills.
for this art piece the process was very simple because I just drew circles inside circles. I liked the end result because its looks like shell on top of each other repeating and overlapping on each other. one thing I was do differently is to make the circle more perfect .this did improve my skills in art because I am better at repetition. 
this art piece the process was random because I just used my pen and drew a wave and repeated it make this art piece.one thing I would change is to color or fill in the middle into black. And I love the end result it looks like wave and it my best I think. this improved my art skills because it made me more creative.
this art piece's process was super simple because I just crossed the lines to make triangles and it repeats. I am okay with the end result it just looks too simple. I would change is add more shapes because it looks more simple and boring. I don't think this improved my art skills because this art is too simple 
this art piece reminded me about a zebra because of its pattern and stripes and the process was fun because I made the stripes wavy and just fill some of the stripes in black. don't think I would change anything it would just destroy the art. This did improve my art skills because I improved in drawing repetition/ patterns.
I like this art piece because it looks like different thing like a pyramids and a forest and the process is just like my circle one, I just draw the triangles and repeated and drawing inside it and overlapping the triangles don't feel like i should change anything and this also improves my art skills in repetition. 


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