my experience with this 3 letter with word is it was boring because the first thing that came up to my head was baseball because its baseball season therefore why i had the word bat as in the bat you hit the baseball with and the 3 letter were just random. I had to redo because i was told it was supposed to be abstract
my experience with this 3 letter with word is fun because this is my final and I put a lot of work in this one as you can see the letters are very clean and the hoe came from Minecraft in like a hoe for farming.  
my experience with this 3 letter with word is fast because I just thought of the word row because it was short and could be used and there is no meaning in this word just row to move something. I made this to just get the work done.
my experience with this 3 letter with word was fun because I like how the a looks like its curls over the R like its 3D and the rat I just picked because it was the first animal that has 3 letters I picked.
my experience with this 3 letter with word is fun because I got to use new letters like Z and it was fun when I drew it and zap was just a word with 3 letter so I picked it .I had to redo because i was told it was supposed to be abstract
my experience with this 3 letter with word is slow because I took my time and did it slowly thing about where to draw it and also the most time consuming part was to redo because i was told it was supposed to be abstract


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