Block Set Type Reflection

1.The Method I used to create my first block set type. First I copied and pasted the word from the instructions from the lesson. Then i adjusted the size of the words to enlarge it, making the 1st ,3rd ,5th words the same size and the 2nd ,4th ,6th words the same size too which made of pattern small big small big small big. thats how i made my first block set type it was pretty simply when you get used to it.the hardest part was trying to find the right space for all the words to fit in the block.
2. The method i used to create the condensed sans-serif block set type. First i thought of some random words which i turned into a condensed sans-serif font, then i did the same thing to the word i did in the first block type enlarging the tpye which was hard to fit all the letters when i evenly spaced then out to make it more appealing. this is when the project became fun because of the different tpyes making the word look better.
3. I basically used the same method from the condensed sans-serif to create the slab serif version similarly I typed in 6 random word and enlarged it spaced them out equally and made them a equal size and extremely proud of the Slab Serif because I personally think its looks the best to me the word are equal and spaced out evenly.

 4. the last version of the block set type is the serif version which i used all the skills i learned on block set type and used it on this one. I typed in 6 random word and enlarged it spaced them out equally and made them a equal size same thing i did for the other ones i just repeated it. which turn out good. in the end the hardest/ most difficult was getting the right size but not letting the words break. 


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