
Type II by Jayden Lin

 In Design Thoughts Last spring I experience many different new experiences while I was with the Program Graphic design. Many notable experiences last spring were  Intro to Adobe Illustrator - Exploring the Toolbar, its really helped me help getting used to the different  unique tools which made the assignment even and more efficient to draw the images provided also the tools made life easier it was like a short cut. which is gonna help me in the future in Adobe Illustrator. Five Important useful Tools on adobe Illustrator that really helped me were: the pen tool which is "key tool for creating vector graphics by drawing paths and shapes"this tool got me thought the hard shapes where I could use to trace over the outline with the pen tool.Another Tool is the line segment tool it helped me create perfect straight lines so  easily.The rectangle tool was also very useful to create many other different shapes like the rounded rectangle , Ellipse tool, Polygon Tool, Star Tool, Fla
  my  experience with this 3 letter with word is it was boring because the first thing that came up to my head was baseball because its baseball season therefore why i had the word bat as in the bat you hit the baseball with and the 3 letter were just random. I  had to redo because i was told it was supposed to be abstract my  experience with this 3 letter with word is fun because this is my final and I put a lot of work in this one as you can see the letters are very clean and the hoe came from Minecraft in like a hoe for farming.   my  experience with this 3 letter with word is fast because I just thought of the word row because it was short and could be used and there is no meaning in this word just row to move something. I made this to just get the work done. my  experience with this 3 letter with word was fun because I like how the a looks like its curls over the R like its 3D and the rat I just picked because it was the first animal that has 3 letters I picked. my  experience wit

3 letters reflection

the process for making this art process was very long, hard and annoying. because first I drew this with the some type base but your supposed to draw it with 3 different type base so I had to redo it which was very annoying, and the hard part was getting the "a" right and the "z" looked deformed and ugly so I didn't like this one so I didn't use it as my final. finally, the "i" was crooked  so it was just bad. the process for making this art process was also very long, hard and annoying. because first I drew this with the some type base but your supposed to draw it with 3 different type base so I had to redo it which was very annoying and long, but this one was pretty easy because of the type base i picked san serif and slab serif was light work but i made the easy line crooked so this was bad. this process was very annoying because it was boring and the letters were unequal so I didn't use it as my final.   this one was just very ugly so I did

Exploring Repetition Final

   for this art piece, I think the process for this project was hard because I need to be very careful to not mess up the lines with the ink or ill give to redo the whole drawing and I do like the end result because it looks like stained glass with the thing I would be differently was I would make the picture more symmetrical. this project did help me improve my art skills. for this art piece the process was very simple because I just drew circles inside circles. I liked the end result because its looks like shell on top of each other repeating and overlapping on each other. one thing I was do differently is to make the circle more perfect .this did improve my skills in art because I am better at repetition.  this art piece the process was random because I just used my pen and drew a wave and repeated it make this art thing I would change is to color or fill in the middle into black. And I love the end result it looks like wave and it my best I think. this impr

Reflection: Repetition w/ Paper Shapes Blog Post Reflection

  - What was your process l ike?  The process of making my project was first I got a design I liked and I copied one part of it from "the principles of 2D design" and the shape was eye shape repeating then I cut all the shapes out with different types of colors and used double sided tape and placed on my paper and  organized the shapes in order so the pattern will look good it the some shapes so repetition but the different from my picture and the one I copied off is the color my picture has lots of different color. I did achieve apart of what I wanted because I wanna the eye shapes to repeat and I did achieve it however I wanna to make it more organized the shape more but I didn't have time and I had no teammate. I didn't have teammates so I  collaborate by brainstorming about what I wanted to make by myself. I  enjoyed  cutting the shapes that was very fun i didn't  enjoy was that tape, it  kept  falling off and ripping it off messed up my project and it I  had


Andy Warhol  uses repetition in this art piece is because the mouths are ordered in columns and rows and shows mouth and that is what's repeating over and over again and each face has nothing different because it just the some picture so repetition and he puts the faces in grids/ rows and columns  of the  identical images and the different varieties in the choice of color.                                                                                                                                                                       Andy Warhol  uses repetition in this art piece is because the mouths are ordered in columns and rows and shows mouth and that is what's repeating over and over again and each lip has something different and create grids/ rows and columns  of identical images  and the different varieties in the choice of color.                                                                                                                                          

Interrelationship of Forms

                                                                        coinciding                       my thoughts of this drawing are that the 2 triangles and the circle and are merging into                       a single  shape and what was hard was color in the shapes because its was ink .                                                                       detachment                              my thoughts of this drawing is there is a lot of negative space and it looks like the                                                              night sky with star and planets and the hard part was that the coloring                                                                         took a long time                                                                            intersection                             I think this drawing is it has a lot of intersection getting cut by a lot of                                                                          pieces this drawing